Marketing your SaaS and building a community on Twitter

Marketing Aug 17, 2024

If you're looking for a unique and niche way to promote your product, you might want to consider Twitter. It's a great place to build a personal platform and engage with the SaaS community.

Standing out

As a founder on Twitter, you should focus on creating a platform. You can do that by talking about:

  • Talk about what your day looks like, from coding to marketing your product. Share stories about your past projects, what worked, and what didn’t.
  • Share what you're working towards every day, your small wins, big achievements, and any obstacles you've faced.
  • Give advice to people just starting in the SaaS space, suggest tools that make your work easier, and talk about marketing strategies that have worked for you.
  • Discuss the latest in tech, SaaS, and marketing trends and share your thoughts on them.

Actively respond to questions and help people asking for advice - this way you'll naturally attract traffic to your page.

Twitter communities

Popular SaaS communities on Twitter

In these spaces, founders talk about their SaaS ventures, trends, and marketing methods. Here, you can market your product or ask for feedback on different aspects of it (e.g. landing page reviews).

Just like any other community, avoid spammy posts and too much self-promotion.

Organic marketing

Organic marketing is really popular on Twitter.

You can share your experiences as a developer - make organic posts including funny stories, motivational tweets, unpopular opinions, or stories about other products you've built.

Talk about daily progress you've made on your product. A lot of indie hackers chime in with #buildinpublic in their posts, which is used to share what you're working on and discover other founders:

An example of a founder using #buildinpublic

Twitter Ads

If you're looking for a shortcut and want to promote your products quickly, it might be worth it to try Twitter ads. Advertising on Twitter has some advantages such as:

  • $500 ad credit when you spend $250
  • New targeting options such as specific keywords related to your niche
  • Varying ad placement - advertisements are served alongside Tweets, Replies, and Search queries that contain your keywords
  • Big customer pool - 535 million global monetizable monthly active users, a big portion of which are techy people

Keep your ads simple, include engaging call-to-actions and try to convey some sense of urgency, but not too much.

Whether through interesting posts or funny tweets and memes, people like creative and thought-out content.

Successful examples

A great example for Twitter success is Tibo (@tibo_maker). He went from raising hundreds of thousands from VCs, to declaring bankruptcy, to solo bootstrapping and exiting his SaaS for $10m.

Another popular founder is Marc Lou (@marc_louvion) who also happens to be the Product Hunt Maker of the Year 2023. After 17 failed projects, he's now running multiple successful startups and earning over 45k monthly.

One more successful indie entrepreneur story is that of Sveta Bay (@sveta_bay). She started an AI-powered marketing tool 2 years ago. In 10 months, she and her team generated $55K out of one project and sold another for 5 digits.

Conclusion and thoughts

Building a Twitter community might take time, but it's worth it - you get a devoted audience, part of which potential customers, and many opportunities to grow your platform and bring attention to your work.

If you decide to give it a try, don't worry about being perfect, just remember to be genuine, consistent and make interesting enough tweets 😄

If you're interested in marketing your product on multiple platforms, we also have an article about promoting your SaaS on Reddit.
