Chrome cuts support for some extensions in their new update

Tech News Jul 28, 2024

If you've updated your Chrome browser, you may have noticed the following warning message in your extensions menu:

These extensions may soon no longer be supported

Why is this happening?

Google is moving onto a new standard for browser extensions - Manifest v3.

This means that older Manifest v2 extensions (including a lot of ad-blockers) will no longer work on Chrome.

You'll have to either wait for these extensions to be updated (that may not be possible for some), or find alternatives.

Every extension has a manifest file.

Manifest V2 and V3 are two different versions of a file that browser extensions use to tell the browser what they can do and what permissions they need.

Manifest V2, the older version, lets extensions do a lot of creative things, some of which, unfortunately, can be used in bad ways.

Manifest V3, the newer version, tries to make extensions safer by limiting their access to certain information. Some developers worry this may limit extension functionality.

What's different in Manifest v3?

Google's rolling out some big changes with Manifest v3. Here's what's new so far:

  1. Tighter security - extensions now have stricter limits on what they can do without your permission.
  2. Extensions now use "service workers" that only run when needed, instead of always being on. This saves battery life and memory.
  3. New content blocking system - Ad blockers now have to use the new declarativeNetRequest browser API to block content. This limits more advanced blocking features and gives Chrome more control over what you see.
  4. Extensions can't see as much of your browsing data anymore - they now have to ask for your permission to read certain data.
  5. Extensions can no longer use dynamic code, because the eval function is no longer allowed. All code must be packaged in the extension.

The migration to Manifest v3 was actually announced back in 2018, so this isn't that sudden of a change:

Timeline of events

  • October 2018: Google first announces Manifest V3
  • January 2021: Chrome Web Store stops accepting new Manifest V2 extensions
  • January 2022: Chrome Web Store stops accepting updates to existing Manifest V2 extensions
  • Q3 2024: Final deprecation of Manifest V2 support in Chrome

So will my AdBlock no longer work?

Not really, Adblocks will just be a little weaker now. uBlock Origin has their Lite version which supports Manifest v3:

uBlock Origin Lite - Chrome Web Store
A permission-less content blocker. Blocks ads, trackers, miners, and more immediately upon installation.

There are a few major differences in this version:

  • Filter lists update only when the extension updates
  • Many filters are no longer supported
  • You can no longer write your own filters or use the element picker
  • No more strict-blocked pages - the extension can't stop you from visiting spam websites and tracking links
  • No per-site switches
  • No dynamic filtering

Another popular option which works for Manifest v3 is Adblock Plus:

Adblock Plus - free ad blocker - Chrome Web Store
Remove ads on YouTube and everywhere else you browse.

You also have the option to stay on Chrome 126 by just not updating your browser, although this isn't very secure and may lead to incompatibilities in the future.

What's next?

This is a big change to how extensions work. While it is, in fact, quite annoying that this update will break a lot of browser extensions, there will be a significant drop in harmful extensions.

And while more uncommon, harmful extensions do exist.

Addoncrop, for example, is a popular extension that was recently revealed to be adding tracking links to your Google search results.

You realistically have 3 options:

  • Wait for the people who made the extension to fix it.
  • Find a different extension that does the same thing and works with the new version of Chrome.
  • Use a different web browser that still lets the old extensions work, like Firefox.

By the end of 2024, Chrome will no longer support Manifest v2 extensions and they will be taken down from the Chrome Web Store.


Kristiyan Dimitrov

Founder of Afficone I write most of the stuff around here :)