Convert HEX to Precise HSL

Convert hex color codes to non-rounded precise HSL with our free online tool.

HEX Input

HSL Output

Frequently asked questions

What's a HEX color code?

A HEX color code is a way to write colors using numbers and letters, like #FF0000 for red. It's what web developers and designers use to add colors to websites.

What's HSL and why is it useful?

HSL is a simpler way to work with colors. It uses three easy-to-understand parts: Hue (the actual color), Saturation (how bright or dull it is), and Lightness (how light or dark it is).

What makes this converter special?

Most color converters round off the numbers, which can make colors slightly off. Our tool gives you exact numbers, so you get the perfect color every time.

How do I use this tool?

Just type or paste your HEX color code (like #FF0000) into the box. The tool will instantly show you the HSL values. That's all there is to it!

Can I go back from HSL to HEX?

Yes! You can convert your colors back and forth. This is handy when you're working on websites or design projects and need to switch between different color formats.

Why would I need exact color values?

Having exact colors is important when you need everything to match perfectly. It's like making sure your paint colors are exactly the same when touching up a wall - you want them to match just right!

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